This past weekend the Nelsons headed to sunny St George for Sarah and I to participate in the Painters Half Marathon. I have been training (and dreading it) for months. I have run races in the past and I knew I just wanted to finish and not hurt myself. We could not have asked for better weather- it was sunny in the 40-50s and the start time was 9am. We started at the Dixie Convention Center and winded our way northeast to one golf course and then back on trails to another golf course. Ran around that golf course and returned to the convention center. Overall it was a great course, not too much elevation change and enough for a bored mind to look at. My favorite part of the race, besides the support we got from the family, was how much support total strangers gave each other. You were running separate times but not alone. Here are a few pics of the festivities:
Taylor was a very supportive husband. He kept reminding me "you made your choice". Those loving words carried me through some of the hardest parts of the course. He did surprise me throughout the race at a few aid stations. That was a true lift.
Team Nelson showing off and enjoying ourselves before heading off to the start line.
Brett and the Kiddos waiting to cheer on their mom around mile 8. Bruce and the Jode were also there. Bruce took lots of pictures and video throughout the race- Thanks Bz! I can't wait to see them.
2hrs and 22 minutes later I saw the finish line and bolted. I averaged a 10.5 minute mile. Not the fastest in the world but slow and steady... Sarah finished in 2hrs 6minutes. Very nice!
My badge of honor! I knew my toe would go black because it's happened in the past. This year though I had a surprise, not one but two black toes (same toe on each foot). My shoes were plenty big. I think that poor toe takes the brunt of the assault because it is slightly longer than my big toe. I figure I'll paint the rest black and I'll be trendy for a while- at least til it falls off.
Sarah, Melissa, Brandon and Jenny Bigler. We all started the race together but Brandon and Sarah pulled away early. Jenny and I ran most of the race together- she was a great running mate.
It was a great treat to see my cousins were running as well. I ran into Wayne, Jenn, and Mike before the start and saw them a few more times throughout the course. These guys are my race heroes! They have participated in multiple marathons and iron man competitions.
It was a party at the finish line- My friend from work, Vanessa.
Taylor took this picture while waiting at the finish line. He wanted me to know that Grandma had finished before me. I saw that lady pass me on the course- Granny could run!

Another random pic from Taylor. I would love to have a Great Dane as many of you well know- my reason- to run with. Lucky lady.
So 21.08 kilometers or 69,168 feet, or 830,016 inches later- I enjoyed myself. I may even be talked into running another race. Give me a few years!