In 1944, an American boy set off to war.
He barely knew what he was fighting for.
Before he left his best friend have him advice-
"Beware of German Soldiers- They are cold as ice."
With these words passing through his head
The american boy conceitedly said
"A German Soldier is no match for me-
I'm strong, a clydesdale, tough-you'll see."
Separated from his troop the boy shook with fright.
23, lonely, he'd never been in a fight.
Off through the trees he heard a low groan.
Someone was desperate with pain-another moan.
The good hearted boy went to the rescue.
He found a wounded German soldier laying helpless-black and blue.
The soldiers shiny curved out helmet perched on his desperate head.
He had been shot in the chest and left for dead.
The compassionate American boy rushed to his side.
"I'm not armed, please help me!" the soldier lied.
The American boy watched blood ooze from his chest.
The soldier deceitfully said "Here put pressure on my breast."
His hand left the trigger and touched the hurt man.
The touch felt good to the soldier, it was part of his plan.
The soldier rolled to the side and grabbed his gun.
A surprised look came over the boy for he knew he was done.
There are two morals to this story- plain and clear.
The first is listen to your friends, and you should not fear.
The second moral is a bit harder to realize.
If you touch a German soldier it will be your demise.