06 August 2009


My wife has informed me that we can no longer continue in this lie. These dogs are not ours. She has always wanted a great dane and we wanted to live this fantasy. Friends in our ward have these dogs and we took them for a walk and took some pictures. I hope I have not betrayed your trust. Thank you.


Leslie said...

You two are amazing liars! Sorry Mels did not het her dogs- but LBH those two dogs would be too big to sleep four in the bed!

Kristina P. said...

I totally bought it and even left a message for Mel last night!!

I will punch you in the face the next time I see you.

Taylor and Melissa said...

I'm so sorry! It was not my idea. I even thought it was real for half a second. Someday! (melissa)

Rikki said...

You totally owe her a great dane for real now!!! :)

Ash said...

ha ha! That's awesome!