29 October 2008

Happy Birthday!

October is a big month for the girls in my family. Birthdays almost every week. So since I was unable to celebrate with any of them I'm sending them love through the blog world. Today is Kelsey's 14th! I can't believe what a lovely young lady she's becoming. I hope it had something to do with my example to her- all those dance lessons in Grandma's family room and 'let me tell you a little story' sessions. I remember how she was such a cute little baby with the brightest blue eyes. She would steal all the attention at my volleyball/softball games. Now, I can't wait to see her in action at her own volleyball game stuffing the ball in someone's face!
Here's to you Kelsey-Love you! Happy Day!

PS- I don't want these cuties to think I've forgotten about them and their recent birthdays either. Vanessa turned five on October 15th. She is our mischevious one who loves candy! We had so much fun babysitting her a few weeks back. Thank heavens for the Wii. Love you babe!

Jessica turned 10 on October 7th. The girl who's not afraid to do her own thing. We share being the third child and dealing with older sisters. Enough said. She's beautiful. I'm warning her dad now to keep an eye on the boys! Love ya Jess.

24 October 2008


Taylor here. This is my first post to my blog and I am so excited. I know people have been waiting for months for this post. This post is dedicated to my mother. For those of you that don't know her this picture explains it all. My mother is one of the most amazing women and is probably the nicest person you will ever meet. I am going to write down a few memories of my mother and I hope that you will comment on your favorite memory of The Jode too. Here we go Josephine!!!

  • I remember the Jode giving me tabasco sauce and hitting me with a wooden spoon as a child to discipline me.
  • I remember the Jode making a fruit or veggie tray for me and my friends whenever we came over.
  • I remember pushing the Jode through Disney World for days in her wheelchair while she had a bad leg. Heroic!
  • I remember my mother cooking wonderful meals for the fam. Shepherds Pie was my favorite.
  • I remember my mother wearing her pretty glasses and telling me that she was livid in high school whenever I was one or two minutes late after curfew. (Only one or two)
  • I remember swimming with The Jode & Ronny, a cute dolphin, while on a family cruise.
  • I remember going to the beach in Cancun with my mother and Aunt Linda. We looked great. I was in a bright yellow outfit while my mom was in lime green with a lovely green hat. Linda was wearing a purple outfit. Let's just say we looked colorful even though we were the whitest people on the beach.
  • I remember my mother being caring as she picked me up from Magic Waters as I waited with the authorities.

We love you Jode. Feel free to post your favorite memories of the Jode. Luv u!!!

07 October 2008

Alpine Loop

Taylor and I spent a recent afternoon enjoying nature and a little fresh air in the mountains. We drove the Alpine Loop- one of my favorite things. It was still pretty green but beautiful.
Here are a few pictures:


We LOVE the television show So You Think You Can Dance?! So naturally when the tour came to town a couple weeks ago we had to be in attendance. Taylor and I had a great time with Heather and Susie. All our favorite dances were performed. My favorite was danced to the Garden by Mirah. My camera took horrible shots so I won't disrespect the performances with posting them. I will do better- steal them from Heather's blog. Thanks girl. She has great shots and video on her blog if you decide you need more. Enjoy!