It's November 22nd and I have been listening to Christmas music for two days! I had to confess. It feels good to have this off my conscience. Why do I feel this is necessary? Well, I have judged, given dirty/disapproving looks, and even name called those who can't wait until the day after Thanksgiving to begin the Christmas season. These days Christmas begins in July and I have always felt the need to defend Thanksgiving- giving it it's due share of attention. It seems to me that people get so excited about Halloween and then Christmas that they skip over one of the best Holidays! Does anyone else feel this way? I had a weak moment- I promise I will now put my Wintersong CD (Sarah McLauglin-so good!) away for another five days and give my attention to being grateful. I'll start with a few:
1. Taylor- I had to wait a l-o-n-g time to find you and it's been worth every day!
2. Family- I'm so grateful to have a family who loves me and who has supported me in every dream and adventure. Now I get to add the Nelsons and with twice the love and support- how can I go wrong.
3. Paint Class- A new outlet for all my homemaking instincts. It's been so fun to make cute crafts for my home.
4. Quick Cooking Magazines- I love trying new dessert recipes and the last few months have been packed with em. Good thing I'm training for a 1/2 marathon and Taylor's training for the Biggest Loser- we both win!
5. Health- I've seen a lot of death lately (rough days in the ICU) and I'm glad my family and I are healthy.
I hope you take a few minutes to think of what you are grateful for- Happy Thanksgiving!
6 years ago